2025 Stewardship

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children,
and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us,
a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Ephesians 5:1-2, NRSV

Beloved Bedians,

St. Bede’s Stewardship team is grateful to lead this intentional 2025 Campaign as we enter another season of giving. This year’s theme, “Walk in Love,” communicates the importance of moving forward together in purpose and mission through the love of Christ. When we walk in the love of God, all things are possible. This year we have some important goals: our journey toward parish status, a competitive ministry stipend for our music director, and clergy supply for our vicar’s sabbatical, among the other ministries of our church.

With those goals in mind, on the surface stewardship season may appear to overemphasize our budget with an internal focus. Funding worship, church continuity, and church programs is important however; it strengthens our church to use the gifts of continued ministry and liturgy to communicate love and belonging to the world. Jesus calls us to heal, visit, feed, accompany, protect, advocate for, challenge, and love our neighbors. A portion of our diocesan assessment goes to Episcopal Relief and Development for a world in need. Sharing our resources of time, talent, and treasure for worship also empowers us to continue to walk in love here in Forest Grove.

We walk according to our different calls. Our talents and training are gifts freely bestowed by our Creator to be shared with a world in need. It’s time again to follow Christ’s call to walk in love and determine how to offer our gifts at St. Bede’s. Our team invites you to join us, discuss this commitment with families and friends, and wonder how God is moving you to share your gifts. 

After your time of prayerful discernment please submit your pledges via mail, plate, or on our online giving platform–Realm–by October 27, our ingathering day. That Sunday our gifts will be added to many others to be blessed, broken, and shared with the world. Please reach out to us with any questions.

Walking with you in Love,

Katie Countryman, Stewardship Committee Chair

Margaret Musgnung

The Rev'd Canon Linda Potter

Jerry Frawley

Jan O'Shanecy

The Rev'd Marlene Mutchler

Fast Facts & Timeline

Our Goal

This year we have some important goals: our journey toward parish status, a competitive ministry stipend for our music director, and clergy supply for our vicar’s sabbatical, among the other ministries of our church.

Our Needs

We need about a 5% increase in income to become a parish, support our full time priest and expanded ministries, and cover increased operating costs due to inflation.

While not everyone can afford to increase their pledge; please consider prayerfully what you can give in 2025.

Some ways you may help us reach our goal include:

  • Increasing your pledge.
  • Donating all or a portion of your required minimum distribution from your IRA.
  • Donating stock (and taking advantage of possible tax benefits).
  • Prayerfully consider pledging if you are not already.

Click here for more detailed information about our financial needs and goals.


Sunday, September 22: Stewardship Campaign Kick-off & Ministry Fair

  • Stewardship letters received in the mail by members. Letters and pledge cards are also available to pick up at the church.
  • Ministry fair with stewardship table after the 10am liturgy - Check it out!

Every Sunday

  • Different speakers each week, sharing stories
  • Special Prayers of the People
  • Prayer over the offering plate after the Doxology
  • Hymn after communion, "I want to walk as a child of the light"
  • Bulletin board with pictures of our congregation walking in love throughout the church year

Sunday, September 29: Parish Status Q&A after the 10am liturgy

  • We invite you to come learn and ask questions about our process for moving from mission to independent parish status.

Article in the October Good Newsletter

Sunday, October 27: Ingathering Day

  • Please return all pledge cards and make your online pledges by this day. Pledge cards may be placed in the offering plate. They will be blessed at the altar.
  • A celebration meal will be offered to all after the 10am liturgy!
  • Parish status decision meeting after the 10am liturgy.

Fast Facts & Timeline

Our Goal

This year we have some important goals: our journey toward parish status, a competitive ministry stipend for our music director, and clergy supply for our vicar’s sabbatical, among the other ministries of our church.

Our Needs

We need about a 5% increase in income to continue to become a parish, support our full time priest and our expanded ministries, and cover increased operating costs due to inflation.

While not everyone can afford to increase their pledge; please consider prayerfully what you can give in 2025.

Some ways you may help us reach our goal include:

  • Increasing your pledge.
  • Donating all or a portion of your required minimum distribution from your IRA.
  • Donating stock (and taking advantage of possible tax benefits).
  • Prayerfully consider pledging if you are not already.

Click here for more detailed information about our financial needs and goals.


Sunday, September 22: Stewardship Campaign Kick-off & Ministry Fair

  • Stewardship letters received in the mail by members. Letters and pledge cards are also available to pick up at the church.
  • Ministry fair with stewardship table after the 10am liturgy - Check it out!

Every Sunday

  • Different speakers each week, sharing stories
  • Special Prayers of the People
  • Prayer over the offering plate after the Doxology
  • Hymn after communion, "I want to walk as a child of the light"
  • Bulletin board with pictures of our congregation walking in love throughout the church year

Sunday, September 29: Parish Status Q&A after the 10am liturgy

  • We invite you to come learn and ask questions about our process for moving from mission to independent parish status.

Article in the October Good Newsletter

Sunday, October 27: Ingathering Day

  • Please return all pledge cards and make your online pledges by this day. Pledge cards may be placed in the offering plate. They will be blessed at the altar.
  • A celebration meal will be offered to all after the 10am liturgy!
  • Proposed parish status decision meeting after the 10am liturgy.

How to Pledge

Pledge Online Here!

Or through one of these other methods:

Through Your Realm Account

After logging in here, you may find the pledge form by clicking "Giving", then "+ Pledge" to make a pledge for our 2025 campaign. Realm is our online directory and giving platform. If you do not have a Realm account and would like one, please contact the office.

By Filling out a Pledge Card

Physical pledge cards have been mailed to members. Additional pledge cards may be picked up at the church in the narthex (entryway) or at the office.

By Contacting the Office

Contact the office and we will gladly fill out a pledge card for you.

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