Worship Services

All are welcome to come pray and worship with us, regardless of your familiarity with our tradition.

New to St. Bede's?

Learn more about visiting us here.

For our Zoom room,

contact the office

or see our weekly E-Notes.

All are welcome to come pray and worship with us, regardless of your familiarity with our tradition.

New to St. Bede's? Learn more about visiting us here.

For our Zoom room, contact the office or see our weekly E-notes (contact us to sign up).

Please verify service information on the calendar page in the case of cancelations or changes, as well as information about upcoming special services.

Lent, Holy Week, and Easter Services


The Sunday Holy Eucharist is our principal act of worship. In it, we join the angels, archangels, and all of creation in offering our thanks and praise to God. We do this through prayer, hymns, hearing the proclamation of God's word in the scriptures and its interpretation in the sermon, confessing our sins and receiving absolution, and celebrating the sacred mysteries of Christ's Body and Blood in Holy Communion.

Our liturgy comes from the Book of Common Prayer (1979), with occasional supplementary material.

8:00 am | Holy Eucharist, Rite I

Nave (Main Sanctuary)

A quiet, spoken liturgy. Rite I services use traditional Elizabethan English for the prayers and responses.

9:00 am | Christian Formation

Visit our Christian Formation page to learn more about current and upcoming classes.

10:00 am | Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Nave (Main Sanctuary) & Zoom

A liturgy with music and hymns. Rite II services use contemporary language for the prayers and responses.

+ Nursery care is available for children through age 6 from 9:45am to the end of the service.
Learn more

+ Please join us for coffee hour in the fellowship hall after the 10am service.


Prayer offices from the Book of Common Prayer include morning prayer, noonday prayer, evening prayer, and compline. They are wonderful touch-points to reconnect with God's presence and will in our lives and remain prayerful throughout the day. 


8:15 pm | Compline  (Zoom-only)

Compline is a short yet peaceful and beautiful prayer service for nighttime.


10:00 am | Holy Eucharist, Rite I with Healing Prayer (Chapel & Zoom)

This service includes special healing prayer and anointing with blessed oil, offered to anyone suffering in body, mind, or spirit. We invite those who are available to come and meet Christ with us in this quiet and healing liturgy.

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