St. Bede the Venerable

Who Was St. Bede?

The painting above was created by parishioner Margaret Musgnung during our study of saints in the spring of 2023.

St. Bede window adorning the wall
by our north stair


St. Bede the Venerable, (c. 672-735) was an English monk, scholar, and theologian. He is often referred to as the "Father of English History" due to his significant contributions to the field of historiography. His symbol is the pitcher which can be seen in all of the images to the left symbolizing the pouring out of divine light and guidance.

Scholarly Achievements

Bede's writings encompassed various subjects, including history, theology, astronomy, and language. He made notable contributions to the calculating the date of of Easter, or computus. His scholarly pursuits earned him the title"venerable" even during his lifetime.

Life & Work

Born in Northumbria, England, Bede spent most of his life at the monastery of St. Peter, Monkwearmouth and its companion monastery, St. Paul's, Jarrow. His most famous work is the Historia Ecclesistic Gentis Anglorum (The Ecclesiastical History of the English People), a comprehensive account of England's early history and the spread of Christianity in the region.


Bede's works were foundational in the development of historical writing in England. His commitment to accuracy and citation of sources set a precedent for scholarly research and writing. Writings continue to provide valuable insights into the early medieval period.

Feast Day

Bede's feast day is celebrated on May 25, the day before his death on the feast of the Ascension of our Lord and commemorating his contributions to Christian scholarship and English History. Here at St. Bede's, we usually celebrate his feast day on the first Sunday after Trinity Sunday, which generally occurs in June, depending on when Easter falls that year.

St. Bede window adorning
the wall by our north staircase

Prayer of St. Bede

I pray you, good Jesus,

that as you have given me the grace to drink in with joy

the Word that gives knowledge of you,

so in your goodness you will grant me

to come at length to yourself,

the source of all wisdom,

to stand before your face forever.

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