Sometimes life is unexpected. Lost jobs, sudden deaths (and births), or unplanned medical bills are just a few things that can make stretching budgets a challenge. We believe that churches are here to help..
First we want to ask: how can we pray for you or with you? Offering prayer may seem like an empty gesture, but as Christians, we believe there is nothing more powerful than offering prayer. We do not do this lightly. It is, to paraphrase the author Madeline L'engle, the act of taking somebody into our hearts and holding them there. Doing this in the presence of God is the most profound thing we can do for anyone. Please do not hesitate to ask us to pray for you. It would be the greatest gift we can give and would be an honor.
However, we are also aware that prayer only can do so much when it comes to immediate needs. Prayer is not an instant solution to the pressing demands of food, shelter, and bills. We can sometimes help with things like food, utility bills, and other unexpected situations in life (See here for a self-screening tool). We can't promise to help this way because our resources are limited and other organizations might be able to help more than us, but we do promise to pray for you no matter what.
Please click
the button above
to fill out our online form to request prayers and other kinds of support.
All requests are confidential unless otherwise requested. Private consultations with the vicar can also be arranged.
Maybe you have been in need at one time or another and are in a position to share your blessings and show your thanks. If so, you may wish to use the give online button at the bottom of this page and choose "discretionary fund" from the drop-down menu. Money donated to our vicar's discretionary fund is used to help those in need in our congregation and in our wider community.
Below are some additional resources.
Click here for local resources for assistance with food, housing/rent, utilities, clothing/personal care/household items, and more.