Thinking of visiting for the first time? Attending a new church can be nerve-wracking! Below are some questions you may have, but if you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask us! Some of us at St. Bede's are new to the Episcopal tradition, and some of us are cradle Episcopalians, but most of us are somewhere in between.
We practice open table communion, so if you have been baptized with water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, you are welcome to receive communion. However, realize this is a deeply personal experience for everyone. If you have any questions or are interested in baptism, please reach out to our vicar. If you would prefer to receive a blessing or haven't been baptized, simply cross your arms over your chest as you approach the altar during communion, and a blessing will be offered.
Of course not, but we hope you do! Coffee hour immediately follows the 10am service in the parish hall. Just follow the crowd! If you have any food allergies we can't promise there will be something you can eat every week but let somebody on the hospitality committee know and we'll do our best!
Whatever brings you closest to God! When you come to St. Bede's, you will see that we have no dress code. Some people dress up, while others don't.
Anywhere! Well, not behind the alter or at the organ, but any of the pews are fair game. Like most churches, our members get attached to certain pews, but it's good for us to have to mix it up
We love this question! You can start with the ministries page, but you can always reach out to us, and we can get you connected to the right people. We also offer newcomer's packets which list all of our ministries and whom you may contact with questions and interest. Feel free come pick one up when you visit!
We offer nursery care for infants and young children through age 6 during our 9am formation hour and 10am liturgy. That said, we love worshiping with our kids! Visit our children and families page to learn more about our nursery care and other ways we welcome kids in church, including fun ways they may direct their energy during worship. We also have children's church school options during our 9am formation hour. Visit our Christian formation page to learn more.
Our worship service includes songs, prayers, rituals, and scripture readings. It is outlined in each Sunday's bulletin, which will direct you to the correct book and page number. The blue books are hymnals. You can find the songs by number. The red books are the Book of Common Prayer – the one stop shop for all things Episcopalian. Chances are, though, somebody has already used a bookmark or the spine is cracked, and it will open automatically to where our service begins on page 355. There are Bibles in the pews, as well, if you want to follow along with the scripture readings that way.
Robin Williams (yes, the one you are thinking of) once described this as "pew aerobics," but it's a little more than that. In general, we stand when we sing, give praise to God, or read the Gospel; we sit during all other Bible readings, and during the sermon; and we kneel or stand to pray. Pro tip: If you are confused or just learning Episcopal traditions, just do what everyone else is doing. If you are limited physically, please do what is most comfortable for you.
Yep! But word on the street is he's lapsed. In this one very specific situation, don't be like Batman, and come to church!
Women's Beach Retreat
Rockaway Beach, May 2023
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