Pastoral Care

Through pastoral care, we provide congregational support to individual members in need. Pastoral Care organizes food delivery, transportation support, and other help for parishioners as needed. Please contact us if you or someone you knows needs pastoral care.

Request Prayer or Support

Eucharistic Visits

Eucharistic Visitors bring Communion to sick and homebound parishioners who are unable to be present with us at our liturgy.

Prayer Team

Our prayer team is a group of people committed to praying regularly for those on our prayer list. The names and concerns are treated with the utmost discretion. Please contact the office or fill out this form here if we can pray for you.

Quilt & Prayer Shawl Ministry (Stitchery)

Second Saturdays, 9am to Noon, Fellowship Hall

Stitchery breaks in July, August, and December.

Members of Stitchery knit or crochet prayer shawls for those going through a difficult time when being wrapped in a shawl that has prayers stitched inside offers healing in itself. They also make wheelchair lap quilts. These lap quilts offer beauty as well as worth for people in local nursing homes. All gifts are blessed by the vicar and the congregation before being given away. Knitters, crocheters, and sewers of all stripes are welcome.

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