Lent, Holy Week, & Easter at St. Bede's

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Dear Fellow Sojourner,

St. Bede's is honored to share our experience of the divine with you through God-given gifts of liturgy, fellowship, and formation. Under the greater mission of the Church, which is to reconcile the world to Christ, our heart’s desire at St. Bede’s is “to know Christ more deeply and bring others to his redeeming love and grace.” We do this in many ways as God calls us – in teaching, outreach, and fellowship – but primarily through worship and Holy Sacraments which connect us to the Source of our life and work as Christians.

Don't worry if you don't have everything figured out in your head, all the lingo and practices. There is more going on in our life as the Body of Christ than our heads will ever know. Just come and pray with us. There is a saying in Anglicanism that our prayer shapes our belief. We hope that if you answer the call to come pray with us, your praying will help shape your belief, as well.

For more information about life here at St. Bede’s, read on, and feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions you may have (See the contact form at the bottom of this page if you would like to do so). We give thanks for your spiritual journey and pray we will all truly seek Christ in one another and come more fully through this encounter to his redeeming love and grace.

Many blessings on your journey,

The Rev'd Marlene Mutchler


Our Mission

We strive to know Christ more deeply and to bring others to his redeeming love and grace.

Our Mission

We strive to know Christ more deeply

and to bring others to his redeeming love and grace.

Learn More About Us

Come pray with us.

8:00 am | Holy Eucharist, Rite I

9:00 am | Christian Formation
Class Information

10:00 am | Holy Eucharist, Rite II
+ Hybrid In-person and on Zoom.

+ Nursery care available for ages 0-6.
Learn more about our nursery

Full Worship Schedule

Our Mission

We strive to know Christ more deeply and to bring others to his redeeming love and grace.

Our Mission

We strive to know Christ more deeply

and to bring others to his redeeming love and grace.

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for special events and opportunities for prayer, study, fellowship, and service.

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